Unit 1: Accounting Fundamentals

  • Introduction to accounting concepts, financial statements, and financial statement analysis
  • Concepts of cost centers and inventory
  • Tally configuration, including INI setup, data directory configuration, single and multiple user settings, and screen components
  • Mouse/keyboard conventions and key combinations for navigating Tally
  • Company data management: creating, altering, selecting, loading, and closing companies; chart of accounts; company features and configuration

Unit 2: Accounting Transactions and Bank Reconciliation

  • Creating, altering, and displaying groups and ledgers
  • Accounting voucher types and transactions, including account invoice transactions, excise invoice, export invoice, and transactions using bill-wise details
  • Bank reconciliation and interest calculations using simple and advanced parameters
  • Voucher class usage, interest adjustments, voucher class creation, and invoice entry in a class situation
  • Budget creation, alteration, and deletion for groups, ledgers, and cost centers; credit limit and credit period definition; budget display and variances; scenario creation, alteration, and deletion
  • Journal transactions and payment vouchers
  • Go down summary

Unit 3: Reporting and Accounts Books

  • Reports: balance sheet, profit and loss account, ratio analysis, trial balance
  • Accounts books: cash/bank book, all ledgers group summary and vouchers, sales, purchase, and journal registers
  • Cost center and category summary, cost center breakup ledger and group breakup
  • Outstanding receivables and payables, interest receivable and payable
  • Statistics, cash flow, day book, list of accounts
  • Reversing journals, optional vouchers, post-dated vouchers

Unit 4: Inventory Management

  • Creating, altering, and displaying stock groups and stock items
  • Inventory voucher types and transactions
  • Inventory details in accounting vouchers
  • Reports: stock summary
  • Inventory books: stock item group summary, stock transfers, physical stock register, movement analysis, stock group and item analysis, stock category analysis, ageing analysis
  • Sales order and purchase order book
  • Statement of inventory related to go downs, categories
  • Stock query, reorder status, purchase and sales order summary, purchase and sales bill pending
  • Exception reports: negative stock and ledger, overdue receivables and payables

Unit 5: Cheque Printing, Security, and Tally Audit

  • Cheque printing and common printing options
  • Different printing formats and multi-account printing
  • Dynamic report-specific options
  • Creating group companies, using Tally vault, and security control with different security levels
  • Using Tally Audit
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